Staff from Congressman Mike Doyle’s office visit with the LEND Program

Kate Werley, staff from Congressman Mike Doyle’s office visited with the LEND Program at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh on November 21, 2018.

The goal of this meeting was to increase awareness of LEND related activities impacting those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Special Health Care Needs in Western Pennsylvania.

Presentations were given by LEND faculty members Drs. Robert Noll and Miya Asato, as well as current trainees, Cori Frazer and Alicia Hutchinson (who co-presented with Sarah Delano, M.Ed., on newborn screening).  

Additionally, Dr. Lynne Taiclet and Nancy Murray, Executive Director of ACHIEVA, presented on dental needs in the developmental disability population.

Learn more about the LEND program.